COMP-2310 Formula Cheatsheet

Contained here are the main equivalences and inference rules for the COMP-2310 class at UWindsor. Equivalences E1. \( \alpha \land \sim \alpha \equiv false \) E2. \( \alpha \lor \sim \alpha \equiv true \) E3. \( \alpha \land \alpha \equiv \alpha \) E4. \( \alpha \lor \alpha \equiv \alpha \) E5. \( \alpha \land true \equiv \alpha \) E6. \( \alpha \lor false \equiv \alpha \) E7. \( \alpha \land false \equiv false \)...

September 4, 2022 · 3 min · Jeremie Bornais

How to Disable the Bell in Windows Terminal

If you’re someone who uses Windows Terminal (and if you’re not, you should be), you’ve probably encountered an annoying bell sound at one point or another. Whether it’s from hitting backspace too many times, or pressing tab when you shouldn’t have, this bell sound shows itself just often enough for it to be worth going through the steps to remove it. Luckily, it’s a very straightforward process to disable the sound....

August 14, 2022 · 1 min · Jeremie Bornais

How to Add a Directory to the PATH Variable in Bash

If you ever wanted to install something from source, or create handy scripts to use anywhere in bash, you’ll need to update the PATH variable. Simply put, the PATH variable is a string consisting of colon-separated (:) directories. Whenever you type a command into the terminal, all of these directories are checked for executables that match the command you typed. Now, let’s say we have a directory we created, ~/.bin/ which contains our homemade scripts/executables....

June 14, 2022 · 1 min · Jeremie Bornais

How to Enable Mouse Support in Tmux

While I wouldn’t necessarily recommend using the mouse too often when using Tmux, it’s likely that you may want it to be enabled at some point, so it may be better to enable it before you need it. The process is simple, you simply need a config file .tmux.conf in your home directory which contains the text set -g mouse on. You can do this automatically with the following command:...

June 13, 2022 · 1 min · Jeremie Bornais

Becoming a UWSA-Ratified Club

(note: this article is meant for UWindsor students. If you aren’t a UWindsor student you may want to skip this one) Just want the instructions? Head over to the instructions section. Why You Should Become a UWSA Ratified Club There are many reasons why you should consider becoming a UWSA ratified club. Whether you’re starting a new club or thinking of taking your existing club to the next level, becoming UWSA ratified may be incredibly useful!...

April 18, 2022 · 4 min · Jeremie Bornais

Instructions to Install Java Cup on Linux

Just want all the commands? Check them out here Or, run this one command to do everything: curl -o- | bash Prerequesite Software These instructions are for Linux machines. If you’re a Windows user, I recommend using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). The only prerequesite software required is Java. If you’re on a Debian-based system and don’t have Java installed, you can install it via sudo apt install default-jre and sudo apt install default-jdk....

April 17, 2022 · 2 min · Jeremie Bornais

Instructions to Install JLex on Linux

Want all the instructions in one code block without the explanations? Check out the appendix. Before Starting Prerequesite Software These instructions are for Linux machines. If you’re a Windows user, I recommend using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). The only prerequesite software required is Java. If you’re on a Debian-based system and don’t have Java installed, you can install it via sudo apt install default-jre and sudo apt install default-jdk....

April 16, 2022 · 2 min · Jeremie Bornais

Welcome to My Blog!

I’ve wanted to create my own blog for a little while now, but finding the motivation to actually get it set up was always difficult. What tipped the scale for me was when I realized I could use a blog like this instead of GitHub Gists to post my guides/tutorials. I’ve used gists in the past to create guides for my students as a TA, and they’ve always worked well for that....

April 13, 2022 · 1 min · Jeremie Bornais