In Defense of ::ng-deep
Angular developers often hear one piece of advice repeated over and over: “Never use ::ng-deep.” While this directive is well-intentioned, it can oversimplify the reality of styling complex Angular applications. ::ng-deep has its place, and when used appropriately, it can solve problems that are otherwise difficult or impossible to address. In this post, we’ll explore the benefits of ::ng-deep, debunk some common misconceptions, and discuss how to use it safely....
Automating Code Quality with Git Hooks
Git hooks are an excellent way to automate tasks and enforce coding standards directly at the source control level. By using Git hooks, you can ensure that your codebase remains clean, tested, and compliant with your team’s standards before any changes are committed or pushed. In this post, we’ll focus on two specific hooks: pre-commit and pre-push. We’ll also show how to use them to automatically run linters and tests before committing or pushing code....
Making Email Easier for Developers
Email is and always will be a pain to work with as a developer. What began as a simple and open communication channel has become a mess, thanks in part to spammers and scammers. Now, if you want to be able to reach your users, you almost always need to use some third party service to send your emails for you. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In produdction, the only difference is changing an environment variable to point to a third party SMTP server instead of your own....
Crash Course on ES Modules
JavaScript, traditionally known for its simplicity in web development, has evolved significantly. One of the most impactful enhancements is the introduction of ES Modules (ECMAScript Modules). ES Modules bring a standardized module system to JavaScript, making it easier to manage and organize code. This crash course will dive into what ES Modules are, how to use them, and why they are beneficial. What Are ES Modules? ES Modules are a standardized way to encapsulate and share code in JavaScript....
Using GNU Screen - A Powerful Terminal Multiplexer
GNU Screen is a versatile tool that enhances productivity for users who spend a lot of time working in the terminal. In this guide, we’ll explore what GNU Screen is, its common use cases, reasons why you should use it, how to detach and reattach sessions, and some common options you can specify to tailor your experience. What is GNU Screen? GNU Screen is a terminal multiplexer that allows users to create multiple virtual terminals within a single physical terminal or SSH session....
Build Your First Full-Stack App With Flask
Note: this is a blog version of the Flask Workshop I’m giving for WinHacks 2024. To view the slides and supporting materials as presented during WinHacks, check out the official GitHub repository here. Intro to Flask Presented by Jeremie Bornais Sample code available at Agenda About Flask Overview of the framework, what it is, why you should use it Installation Simple step by step installation instructions Your First App The structure of a Flask app, and getting it up and running Routes and Templates Adding new routes to the app, rendering templates, inheriting from templates Next Steps SQLAlchemy, User Authentication, and other ways to extend your app Interactive Demo We’ll be making our own Flask app from scratch!...
How to Use Multiple GitHub Accounts on One PC
There are multiple ways to set up multiple GitHub accounts on one PC. For me, however, I prefer a solution that is more portable and requires less configuration. Thus, the solution I show here uses separate SSH keys for the two accounts, and the way you choose which account to use is by modifying the remote address of the GitHub repository. Only one small configuration file is required. Prerequesites Before you can begin, you’ll need to ensure you have Git and OpenSSH installed (Git typically comes with OpenSSH)....
Turning My 8 Year Old Chromebook Into a Home Server
This article purposely doesn’t go into specifics or provide a step-by-step tutorial. I’ll be writing a separate article on this later. Roughly 6 years ago I was in the market for a small and simple laptop to use when traveling and for school. At the time I had a gaming laptop (a purchase I still regret) which worked well for any gaming or heavy computing tasks I needed to perform. However, it was heavy, bulky, and would only last an hour or so on battery....
Self-Hosting Your Own ngrok Alternative with Reverse SSH Tunneling
Are you tired of relying on third-party services like ngrok to expose your local development environment to the internet? Good news! You can achieve similar functionality by setting up a reverse SSH tunnel. In this guide, we’ll walk through the process of creating your own self-hosted tunneling solution. Prerequisites Local development environment with a service running on a specific port (e.g., http://localhost:8000). SSH access to a remote server with a publicly accessible IP address....
Using asdf to Manage Your Programming Language Installations
One of the most annoying aspects of working on multiple projects as a developer is dealing with projects that use different versions of the same programming language. If you’re a NodeJS developer, you’ve probably used NVM to cope with this. In fact, most programming languages have their own solution to this problem. However, when you’re working across multiple projects that span multiple programming languagues, using a different version management tool for each language can be cumbersome....
Using GCP's Free VPS to Host Unlimited Full-Stack Websites
One of the most difficult steps of web development for beginners is the final step - actually getting your website online. There are hundreds of platforms out there that allow you to put your website online, and it can be difficult for a beginner to choose the right one for them. As you continue in your web development journey, you’ll most likely find a solution that fits and scales to your specific needs....
COMP-1400 Dev Environment Setup Guide
Setting up a development environment on Windows for coding in C can seem daunting for a new CS student. However, with the right tools and a step-by-step guide, the process can be straightforward. In this tutorial, we will walk through the process of setting up a development environment on Windows for coding in C. Step 1: Install WSL WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) is a compatibility layer that allows running Linux binaries natively on Windows....
Advice to HS Students Interested in Pursuing CS
In today’s digital age, computer science has become an increasingly essential field with numerous opportunities for career growth and innovation. High school students who are passionate about technology and interested in pursuing a degree in computer science can benefit greatly from proper preparation and guidance. In this blog post, I’ll provide advice and insights for high school students interested in pursuing a degree in computer science. By following these guidelines, you can set yourself up for success and achieve your goals in this exciting and dynamic field....
Introduction to Classes, Structs, and Objects in C++
If you’re familiar with programming in C++, you’ve likely heard of classes, structs, and objects. These concepts are at the core of object-oriented programming and are essential for creating efficient, reusable, and modular code. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what classes, structs, and objects are, how they work, and provide examples to illustrate their use in C++. Classes and Structs A class is a user-defined data type that encapsulates data and functions together into a single entity....
Tiny Language Grammar (COMP-2140)
The following is a copy of the official definition of the Tiny programming language used in COMP-2140 at the University of Windsor, as first defined by Dr. Lu here. The Lexicon of the Tiny Language Keywords WRITE READ IF ELSE RETURN BEGIN END MAIN STRING INT REAL Single-character separators ; , ( ) Single-character operators + - * / Multi-character operators := == != Identifiers An identifier consists of a letter followed by any number of letters or digits The following are examples of identifiers: x, x2, xx2, x2x, End, END2 Note that End is an identifier while END is a keyword The following are not identifiers: F, WRITE, READ, ....